Women in Ag – Summer 2024 Updates

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woman wearing a cowboy hat leaning on a fence

Upcoming Meetings and Tours

MONDAY, JULY 1st, at 5:30 p.m., Louisburg Plaza meeting room; sponsored chicken dinner meal

USDA REAP Grant & Other Solar Incentives for NC Farms Program
The USDA REAP program provides grant funding to farms and rural businesses for solar energy systems to help permanently reduce operating expenses. When combined with other incentives, eligible farms and businesses can save from 70-90% on the cost of solar with a REAP Grant. The program highlights overviews on project timelines, cost, eligibility, and benefits.

A USDA REAP Grant Program and Solar Farm Incentives for NC Farms program will take place Monday July 1, beginning at 5:30 p.m., at the Franklin Plaza conference room, 279 S. Bickett Blvd., Louisburg. Dinner is included. Cost $10 per person. Registration required using this Eventbrite link: go.ncsu.edu/712024-usda-reap-grant-solar-incentives

I hope to see you there for this informative meeting.

Tuesday, July 16th: 5-County REGIONAL BEEF Producers Tour hosted by Wake County

The popular, long-running educational Beef Tour has been scheduled for Tuesday, July 16th with Wake County serving as host county this year. The Tour will feature three stops. The tour is scheduled to begin at 7:30 – 8:00 a.m. with check-in at the first stop, Wood Angus Farm located at 755 Honeycutt Road, Willow Springs, NC.

The first stop will take a look at Angus cattle, discussing their genetics for production and show animals. They also will discuss their farm’s ‘Event Venue Barn’ and how they market their farm’s beef and pork.

The second stop will be at Southern Wake Cattle Company in Fuquay-Varina. Mr. George Broadwell will discuss his rotational grazing and a guest speaker will showcase regenerative agriculture on their 40-acres of pasture. This farm, a veteran-owned partnership, will also discuss their marketing of their beef quarters and meat bundles to the public. Refreshments will be served at this stop.

The third stop will be at the NCSU E. Carroll Joyner Educational Beef Unit off of Lake Wheeler Road in Raleigh. Three types of shade structures for smaller operations will be showcased in addition to summer grazing management for cattle herds demonstrated. 

Guest speaker, NCDA & CS Meat Marketing Specialist Jack Nales, will outline how beef producers can get “Assistance with Marketing your Meat products” with NCDA & CS and other organizations.

Lunch will be served by Strickland Farm Catering from Bunn, NC at the Beef Unit. A mini-trade show will also be held for participants to visit vendors along with door prizes given out.

If you plan to attend, the deadline to register is Friday, July 12th. An Eventbrite link,   go.ncsu.edu/2024-5-county-beef-tour is set up for registration with a $10 per person fee to attend and participate by FRIDAY, July 12. Contact us for details, 919-496-3344.

Friday, August 2nd: 28th Annual Franklin County Region Horse Farm Tour

Details are coming soon, but we have 3 outstanding area farms scheduled for you this year, again! Educational programs will be at each stop in addition to touring the barns. Lunch will be served in the a/c in Louisburg at noon, with a program and equine volunteer, Diane Davis’, wonderful and plentiful door prizes.

An Eventbrite link will be coming soon! Mark your calendar today.

HOPE to see you at some of the events.

The WIA group will also be organizing a van tour of several farm related businesses in mid-August to the Mayo Sock Outlet, Aunt Ruby’s Peanuts, and one other site. It should be a fun and educational day. Several of you are asking for this tour. 

For additional information, contact the office, 919-496-3344 or martha_mobley@ncsu.edu.

Stay cool and healthy.